How to Read the Bible
“I can’t understand what I’m reading!” This is a common
remark that I hear when a person desires to grow in the Christian faith and
he/she has been encouraged to read the Bible. The Bible is not one book, but
rather, sixty-six! It is quite important to understand that it is not
necessarily a chronological ordering of the books it contains, but rather a
collection of works that the Church prayerfully agreed are the inspired words
of God. It includes law, history, prophetic messages, poetry, perspectives on
the life of Jesus, and even letters.
“Where do I start?” That is a great question! Some would
prefer to start at the front, in the book of Genesis, with the creation
account. Others just want a simple book to ponder on a spiritual level. A
simple book about the life of Jesus is the book of John. Another basic read
about some of the basics of Christianity is the book of James, written by one
of Jesus’ own brothers. For a raw and heartfelt perspective about life
experience, reading the songs and poetry in the book of Psalms (most by
Israel’s former king David) would be valuable. For wise principles to conduct
your business or relationships in your sphere of influence, you might consult
Proverbs, written by King David’s son, Solomon. It’s your choice, but these are
a few pointers to help you read to understand.
Understanding the Bible:
Pray for understanding. Ask God to guide you and
help you discover truth to apply to the way you live.
Read everything in context. The author had intent
and purpose when he wrote the text under the influence of the Holy Spirit. The
events happened at a particular time in history. When anyone attempts to make a
point by sharing a particular verse with another person or group, the fact needs
to line up with the message the author desired to convey. It must harmonize
with the message of all the other verses in the 66 books of the Bible. Understanding
the author’s background, the time in history that the book references, the main
purpose of the book, and the audience to whom the author was writing, all help
to make what is written meaningful. In many study Bibles, much of the
background information is included.
The Bible wasn’t written or organized
chronologically. Please view this basic historical timeline (located at the
bottom of this document) to help you understand the historical period related
to each book in the Old and New Testaments.
Use helps. Maps, commentaries, and even Google
can be helpful in investigating content in the Bible. Caution -- as with any
research project, be aware that all sources of information aren’t reliable.
Ask yourself questions as you read the text. “Is
there a command for me to obey? Is there a promise for me that relates to my
situation? How will I live differently now that I’ve read this? What truth may
I apply to my life today? Is there a word/phrase that is being repeated or a
message that is being reiterated?”
I hope these suggestions will make your reading a valuable
experience and that your understanding will grow. As the Holy Spirit teaches
you, you will grow in your spiritual walk as you learn to assimilate the
Scripture into your daily life. It’s a discipline that has amazing results.
this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that
you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous
and successful.” Joshua 1:8
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